Monday, August 04, 2008

Into August

The weather is looking good, and I'm hopeful that I'll get the chance to continue to do some woodwork this week. I'm now into my last month of my sabbatical and I do wonder where the time has gone and how come I haven't done all the things I thought I would do. 

I was hoping to do a lot of walking, and the woodwork and some decorating and... the list goes on. But time has gone and many things are going to be left undone. On the other hand, filling my time with lots of activity was not the object of the exercise. In a couple of weeks I will need to begin to focus my mind on returning to church. 

So, the next four weeks need to be used well and used wisely. I have an idea for a cabinet to make for my virtual workshop (the workshop I imagine I might have one day) that will use the techniques I will need for the blanket box. It's a simple storage unit for my new router table and maybe one other piece of equipment. Then it's the blanket box and if I get time the wardrobe.

Walking can wait until I return to full-time duties. I guess you can't have two main hobbies at a time and it was either walk or woodwork for the summer.

So let's hope August is a productive month with something to show for it.

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