Friday, June 19, 2009

On moving

The penny is slowly but most definitely dropping that we are moving in the autumn. September is not that far away, and the enormity of the decision we've made casts quite a shadow! I guess that ministry has few peers when it comes to the factors involved in the change process.

Not only do you change jobs, but you change location, you change house, you change friends! The last of these is sometimes the hardest to bear. Maybe it's just me, but I always consider the people around me as friends more than "clients", so moving has quite an emotional cost. The truth is that busyness takes over and no matter how deep the friendships might be, busyness can rob you of the relationships you once enjoyed.

The nice thing is that you know that there are people all over the country, well at least in 6 places for us, with whom you have a strong connection. A connection that can be renewed through a chance encounter or an intentional visit. Just recently I bumped into an old friend at the Christian resources Exhibition. I hadn't seem Ian in a long time and it was great to pick up a conversation that rumbles on through our lives whether we're together or apart.

So here's to more friends with whom to enjoy the journey with God and for the many friends we already have who still mean much to us and who we miss now and will miss in the future.

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