Friday, June 19, 2009

Great Commission Resurgence

This is interesting.

I came across the GMR through a Google alert I have set for anything missional that pops up on the internet. If you've not tried using alerts, give it a try. It's a useful tool to capture themed ideas and resources.

Anyway, back the Great Commission Resurgence. GMR sets out ten core commitments for Southern Baptists with the intention of refocusing SBC churches on fulfilling the great commission of the church. Restoring the missional mandate to the church you might say.

Whilst not all the points would translate for every church, clearly some arise directly from recent debates within the movement (I'm no expert on SBC history and debates), there are some valuable core commitments that we should all take note of and consider.

I'm particularly drawn to the principles of Biblical communities, a clear focus on the great commandments and the great commission, gospel centredness, the Lordship of Christ and diversity. But it's all good.

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