Sunday, February 24, 2008

Prayer month (week 4)

Here's the outline for week four

Monday 25th Feb.

We want to share God’s heart for the marginalised in our world. Thank God for the work of organisations like Fair Trade and Stop the Traffik. Ask God where we can be most effective in relieving poverty and oppression in our world.

Tuesday 26th Feb.

Pray for our communities. Pray that God’s grace would be seen throughout our neighbourhoods. Pray that Christ would be honoured, and that many would begin to seek a relationship with God.

Wednesday 27th Feb.

Pray for the church during Richard’s sabbatical. Ask God to provide people to meet the ministry needs of the church during that time. For those who will teach and preach and for those who will perform any funerals or other services on our behalf. Pray that Richard, Anne and Ally would benefit greatly from this time of rest and reflection.

Thursday 28thFeb.

Thank God for the part you play or the part you can play in the future life of the church. Ask him to give you the gifts you need to fulfil his purposes in and for your life. Ask him to renew your passion for ministry and mission and to fill you with his Spirit. Commit yourself to honouring and serving him with your whole life.

Friday 29thFeb.

Give thanks For God’s deep love for us as his church. Thank him for the way he has blessed us and spoken to us. Thank him for the month of prayer.

Saturday 1st Mar. & Sunday 2nd Mar.

Take some time to reflect on this month of prayer. What things has God brought to your attention? What things need further prayer? What are you going to do next?
Has God spoken to you about something that the whole church needs to hear about? Do you have a story about this month of prayer that you could share with the church on a Sunday morning?

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