Monday, February 11, 2008

Going Public

One of the things I love about blogging is the unexpected relationships that form through the comments and feedback you get. I don't get that many comments, but then again I don't blog in order to get comments, I blog as part of my ministry and as aprt of my personal process of reflection.

Anyway, a recent post about sharing faith produced a comment from one of the authors, Bill Peel, of the book Going Public with your Faith that gets mentioned. That set me off on a search and I discovered, the website associated with the book.
Bill's blog is here and is worth a look if you are involved or want to become involved in helping people live out their call in the workplace.

What I like about the book are the four big ideas that are developed. You can read more about them on the blog or in the book, but here they are in headlines:

  • Big Idea One: The workplace is the most strategic place of Kingdom influence for most Christians.
  • Big Idea Two: Evangelism is a process, not an event.
  • Big Idea Three: Our job in evangelism is to discover where God is already at work in people’s lives and join him there.
  • Big Idea Four: Being a person of spiritual influence is every Christian’s calling, not just the responsibility of a gifted few.


Bill said...

Richard, I didn’t realize you were from the UK. I’m sure you are aware of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity and Mark Greene. I met with them last year when I was in London. Also, you may want to connect with the Christian Medical Fellowship ( Kevin Vaughan there teaches a course for medical professionals entitled The Saline Solution which I co-authored and formed the basis of Going Public. Kevin is very “keen” on these ideas and a good friend.

Richard said...

Bill, I know about LICC, in fact I went to a pasotrs conference there before I became one! I also know Mark Greene, we were at college together, same time difference year of the course.

I'll check out the other web reference too. Thanks for your comments.