Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pdf-Pen and me!

Perhaps it is just me and maybe I haven't really tried hard enough to get to grips with pdfpen, but it hasn't worked for me.

I don't have to edit many pdf files, but the ones I've tried to edit with pdfpen haven't worked too well. I suspect that this is mostly down to the way the files were generated, but having said that, if all files are generated in similar ways then I'll have similar problems.

Things that didn't work for me included the rather laborious method required to edit a simple text box. First you needed to select the text and then you had to replace it with and editable text box, then you could edit the text. The problem as that the selection tool would pick up some text and not others. In the end  it turned out to be much quicker to recreate the whole document and start over.

So my verdict in pdfpen is that it didn't make my life any more simple when it came to handling pdf files. I think I'll give Preview a closer inspection.

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