Monday, March 17, 2008


From today's (Monday March 17th 2008) devotional from Scripture Union.

Seeking forgiveness

Seeking forgiveness ‘Forgive us our sins’ is a deep prayer. It is not a mantra that works if you say it enough. Nor is it like one of Harry Potter’s spells: ‘forgivoramus!’ and everything is sorted in a flash.

It’s an invitation to examine ourselves inwardly and outwardly, spirit and soul, attitudes and actions, words and wishes. This Spirit-led self-examination drills through the layers of self-deceit and self-justification. Just as the cock crow was a lie-detector for Peter, our earnest confession of sin reveals how we deny the calling of Jesus on our lives.

In a moment, it’s time for you to pray that prayer, ‘Forgive my sins’, and let God’s Spirit show you what that means. But first you need to know that God’s Spirit convicts you of sin only so that he can lead you forgiveness and restoration.

Peter discovered this beautifully when Jesus, risen from the dead, asked him three times, ‘Do you love me?’. He was shown that his three denials were forgiven and forgotten (John 21:15–17).

So give some time now to the simple prayer, ‘Forgive my sins.’ Let the Spirit show you what needs to be forgiven and soak every denial in the forgiving power of Jesus.

Martin Hodson

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