Thursday, March 27, 2008

Too busy to be normal

The problem with life is that it never fits the available time properly. I seem either to have too much time or not enough time, I never quite seem to have the right amount of time. I know there is a school of thought that says that you will always have enough time to do what God wants you to do, but like many people I know, I just can't work out what it is I'm supposed to do so that I can drop all the other stuff that takes up the available time.

I suppose I ought to be more spiritual than that, but I refuse to beat myself up because I don't always know exactly what God wants me to do. So I carry on trying to figure stuff out on the run and sometimes I get it right and sometimes I get it wrong. 

Is this the essence of walking by faith?

If I always know what God wants me to do, where is faith in that equation? It seems to me that to follow Jesus is to walk by faith and to walk by faith is to take one step at a time. As we focus on the step we worry less about the destination and more about the journey.

I love the definition of leadership I heard at last year's Leadership Summit: "Leadership is disappointing people at a rate they can stand." Life is like that. I disappoint myself and I'm sure I disappoint God, and I know I disappoint other people. The point isn't that disappointments will come and go, but how you deal with them. Do you give up or do you keep learning, keep trying, keep getting better?

When I think about my personal spiritual goals, no matter what they might be, they boil down to one simple goal: to be a better follow of Jesus this time next year than I am now. One step at a time is what matters most.

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