Thursday, February 12, 2009


I came across this software via an rss feed. Having had a quick look at the website, it looks like quite a powerful tool. Mind maps, notes, sketches, all sorts of tools are available.

I currently have two mind mapping tools, Freemind and Xmind and I have Notebook. Curio looks like an application that would do everything that these other do, but in one package.

Anyway, if you're looking for a Mac application that does notes and project planning, Curio might be worth a look.

And if you are looking for a mindmapping tool for the iPhone or ipod touch, then there's a review of an application called ithoughts here.


Anonymous said...

Curio looks good I might install on my MacBook later.

I'm also going to look at iThoughts. Thank you :)

Richard said...

It does look good doesn't it. I watched the video tutorials or tutorinis as they call them. Very impressive. Let me know if you download it and try it, I'd be interested to hear what you think.