Tuesday, January 13, 2009

John Thorton on Globalisation

Alan Hirsch posted this fascinating video on the Forgotten Ways Blog. It's about 10 minutes long, but worth a watch from several perspectives. Firstly what is said about leadership. Leadership needs to be clearly focused, value based, and broadly applied.

Secondly there's the question of models and sustainability. There's an interesting fact that emerges that points clearly towards the unsustainable nature of a western development model. In other words, the world cannot sustain the lifestyle enjoyed by most developed, western nations on a global scale. For example, if China follows a western model, there will be more cars on the road in China in 20 years than there are currently in the world as a whole. This in turn would mean that China would consume more oil a day that we currently produce. And China of course is not the only economy seeking to develop. 

The conclusion is simple, our western model is simply unsustainable.

This raises a simple question in church life. Is our model sustainable? Maybe more pertinent is the question, "Do we have the right model?" Have we simply continued to work with the belief that a westernised model of church is the best model of church? 

More questions than answers I know, but I never planned for this to be all about answers!

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