Thursday, November 27, 2008

Is this church?

A couple of days ago I was asked to think about speaking at a friend's church. They are experimenting with a different format on a Sunday evening, doing more 'in-depth' studies. The question is, what do I speak about?

So I had a think and two areas of personal interest came to mind, one of which is the church. This phrase shot into my head:

We shouldn’t confuse establishing and building our personal relationship with God with what constitutes church.

Now it's not a well researched idea, it was just a passing thought, but I wondered if it connected with anyone. It seems to be that we've made the church into an organisation primarily focused on the people inside it rather than the people outside it. It's become an institution, and institutions are usually places designed to keep the insiders from getting out!

So I'd be interested to know what thoughts my phrase stirs within our thinking. I'm not suggesting personal discipleship and corporate worship are unimportant. On the other hand I do question their importance and priority in defining what is church.

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