Thursday, November 13, 2008

Barcelona in pictures

Here are a few of the photographs I took on our recent trip to Barcelona. It's a city of architectural contrasts and bold planning decisions. There are old alongside new, renovated and rebuilt across the street and sculptures on almost every corner.

There are old fashioned squares where the tall buildings create a calm interior space.

On the redeveloped waterfront there are floating sculptures looking skyward with a star hidden behind their backs.

This tree stands in a square beside the Church of Santa Maria, near a memorial with an eternal flame burning.

The church itself is big and imposing. The odd thing is that it doesn't appear to dominate the area, it just fits in. When you get to the Cathedral and then the Church of the sacred family, these two buildings definitely dominate your view!

Iron work is all over the place too, and not just in the streetlights but intrinsic to the architecture. Cast carvings decorate everything.

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