Wednesday, May 09, 2007

knowing the times

Remember the men of Issachar? They understood the times and knew what Israel should do (1Chr.12:32).

Well, I'm currently reading Building a Strategic Church by David Beer, and this thought seems to come up early in the book. In chapter 2 on Strong Leadership he begins by referencing Dr Sam Keen who said that a wise person was someone 'who knows what time it is' in their own life and the history around them.

David Beer goes on to say that: A strategic church is a church that knows 'what time it is' in their church and in their community. (p34)

So it seems that good leaders are people who have this sense of both destiny (I was born for this) and context (I was born to do this here and now). I guess it might be easy to become arrogant if you thought this way without a servant heart and the humility that goes along with that. I'm certainly conscious of my shortcomings, and that anything I achieve I do so by the grace of God and not by my own efforts. But I guess I do need a sense of destiny. Perhaps calling is a word that will sit more comfortably, but either works for me I think.

What I do know is that God does not want me, or anyone in my church or in my community, simply to fill time or fill a pew. God wants us to fulfill a destiny and knowing the times and knowing what we should do is part of that process of fulfilment.

Apparently, the men of Issachar still live!

Related posts; The men of Issachar; The men of Issachar again

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