Thursday, May 31, 2007

Make your own reusable bag

I was watching BBC Breakfast this morning whilst tucking into my low-fat Greek yoghurt and granola (we're into low GL/GI eating these days) and I saw a piece about some folk who were making bags from old clothes and duvet covers etc. and giving them away for free in exchange for plastic bags.

It looked like a really good idea so I tracked down their website and you can find it here.

Recently I watched a documentary about the waste problems in the Pacific. There's one particular beach where all the rubbish washes up and it's appalling to see the amount of junk that's been thrown into the oceans.

According to statistics we use around 300 plastic carrier bags per head a year in the UK. So when I saw this piece this morning it caught my imagination.

We're going to have a go at making our own bags, if only to remove the bags we would use through a year from circulation. I guess that even though we reuse and recycle our plastic bags, reducing how many we use is always going to b e a good thing.

And then I wondered if we could make enough at church to give them away as an outreach event. Nothing too bold, just a simple way of expressing our concern for the environment as Christians.

When we've made our first bag I'll post a photo!

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