Monday, February 05, 2007

Aims and Objectives

We, the leadership team at Cotton End, spent the day away together to talk about various leadership issues. One of the things we've been trying to do over recent months is to get some real clarity about the vision and call that God has for us.

As part of that process we worked on some aims. There's still a lot to do, but when I and a helpful church member distilled it all down, we came up with the following.

Cotton End Baptist Church - Aims & Objectives:

Our Five core values are a deep commitment to: (1) Jesus, (2) each other, (3) The Community, (4) authentic Christian lifestyle and (5) to prayer & worship.

Our Purpose is: To love as many people as possible into a deep and growing relationship with Jesus. To support everyone on their spiritual journey so that everyone can be involved in ministry and mission. Enabling more people to follow Jesus better.

In order to fulfil this call from God, our Aims are to:

Walk with people on their journey with God (recognising that we are all on that journey).

That means:
  • Being a place to ask questions about life, that is safe, without prejudice or pressure.
  • Enabling all to come under Biblical Teaching and adopt increasing Biblical lifestyles (which are authentic Christian lifestyles, or Holiness).
  • Giving people space and time to grow in their understanding and experience of God.
    Accepting people who wish to belong before believing.
  • Helping everyone learn to worship & pray, in ways honouring our God given diversity.
  • Offering support to all at every age and every stage of life and spiritual journey.

Build Great Christian Community (based on the Bible’s teachings)

That means:

  • Building great friendships
  • Spending time together
  • Opening our lives to each other

Play Our Full Part in the Rest of the Community (because churches are part of it too)

That means:

Getting involved in what is already happening in The Community
Work “with” The Community and not just “for” The Community
Engaging on issues of justice, poverty and oppression
Seeking to improve education, health and social welfare.
Social responsibility and caring for our environment
Being part of the DNA of The Community

Reach Out to our Neighbours

That means:

  • Being intentional about building relationships and doing mission.
  • By planning (disciplined thinking) and disciplined action.
  • Loving as many people as possible into relationship with Jesus. (including: through kindness, influence, generosity and genuine love, helping people and serving people.)
  • Showing and telling people that God loves them and Jesus has shown it

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