Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Always needing a better reason

Is it my imagination or are we always in need of a better reason to do something than a reason not to do it? Sometimes I wonder whether "walking in the ways of the Lord" is enough these days. Maybe it's always been the case.

Serving God should be a joy in and of itself, but so often it needs to be the better alternative. And the problem is that the alternative is often less demanding or higher quality or more convenient. Even as a church leader I find myself thinking I need inspiration when what I actually need is self-discipline. Thinking I need encouragement when what I actually need is commitment, thinking I need recognition and affirmation when I need obedience and faithfulness.

So today, I recommit myself to serve the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, strength and mind because that is what I've chosen to do and now my life is not my own but hidden with Christ.

If you are serving God, have a great day and be blessed because you are "walking in the ways of the Lord".

And if you're not serving God, then have a great day too. Why should you miss out on the blessing?

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