Monday, November 24, 2008

Missional values

I've recently begun to follow the Church Planting Novice Blog. Here are some missional values and practices to consider from a recent link.

Here are five characteristics or “rules of order” for a missional community taken from Frost’s Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture.

  1. Bless. We will bless at least one other member of our community every day.
  2. Eat. We will eat with other members of our community at least three times a week.
  3. Listen. We will commit ourselves weekly to listening to the promptings of God in our lives.
  4. Learn. We will read from the Gospels each week and remain diligent in learning more about Jesus.
  5. Sent. We will see our daily life as an expression of our sent-ness by God into this world.

Here are the Four Practices we developed for our church, which are grounded in Four Gospel Principles. These principles and practices shape all our City Groups (what we call missional communities).

SHARE life and truth through stories and Scripture

PRAY for one another and the city

ENGAGE people and culture of your community with the gospel

LOVE one another by eating and exercising hospitality

There are elements of real challenge here... eating with others at least three time a week, but that's no reason to pass over the basic principles.

I've almost finished Michael Frost's book from which these principles are drawn.

1 comment:

Scott Linklater said...

thanks for linking this list of values.... great stuff and, oddly enough, if followed produces a simple, yet highly effective, life, ministry, and relationship with God. i linked the article to to share it with others...