Thursday, February 19, 2009

Podcasts are us, or rather me!

I've had a horrible, nasty cold for a couple of days and haven't really felt like doing much at all other than sleep, something that seemed to escape me last night as I coughed my way through the early hours of the morning. 

I'm not given to so-called "man-flu" having had the real thing when I was 17. Believe me, if I can get up and walk around at all, I don't call it flu. My 1975/76 encounter with the flu virus left me weak, 30 pounds lighter, and unable to drink coffee ever again! My Grandmother thought I'd seen my last Christmas, she was a cheery soul!

Anyway, this head-cold made concentrating difficult so I've been playing with Garageband and iWeb just to see how easy or otherwise it is to create podcasts.

The answer is pretty easy. Neither programme is particular difficult to use at what I guess is a really basic level. Once you get the concept of dragging and dropping media files where you want them, it's all pretty straightforward. Actually Garageband even exports the finished podcast to iWeb and it's a few simple editorial changes and a few click to publish it to the web. Having a MobileMe account probably helps, but I guess it's not that much more complicated if you use another server somewhere.

Anyway, I've podcasted three sermons, two from our recent series on 1 Corinthians and one from three years ago just to see how it works. They are live recordings and sometimes the quality is not so good, but that's not an issue with either bits of software.

Here's the link to my podcasts if you want to listen, or in fact even if you don't want to listen! You can of course follow the outlines on the church blog as you listen to see how closely they reflect what is said!

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