Thursday, February 05, 2009

The curious case of Sherlock Holmes and Caller ID

"Ah Watson, the wonder of technology," said Holmes. "How so," asked Watson...

So it was the telephone rang this morning and I found myself talking to a very nice person who claimed to have missed a number of calls from the very telephone I was using. Not recognising their name, I wondered how this could be. Has the network been playing games? Was there a new scam whereby people faked the calling number? Had I been making 'phone calls in my sleep? Had the cats been trying to place an order for food from Tescos home delivery service?

"Who are you with?" the voice on the other end of the line enquired. "I'm with myself, " I said, "all alone in the snow. Where are you?" "The call came through to BP in London," she replied.

All of a sudden things became clear. The mystery was unfolding before my very ears. 

Anne works for BP. Anne had been working from home on Monday and Tuesday. Anne had been making the calls.

"Ah. that would be my wife making the calls, she works for BP." "Oh, I know Anne, she'll laugh when I tell her this story."

I guess she will.

So another exciting mystery solved. Of course without Caller ID it would never have been a mystery in the first. But it was fun. Time to put the kettle on.

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