Saturday, October 18, 2008

Christ-centred following

As I continue to process my thoughts from this year's GLS, one thing that has been going through my mind is the description Bill Hybels gave us of the church in terms of explorers, beginners, growing Christians and Christ-centred Christians.  It is the Christ-Centred group who are going to be most effective in mission and service we were told and I have no reason to doubt that assertion.

So here's my question: What do we have to do to help people move towards and into Christ-centred living? It would seem that to build an effective church we must find the right questions to ask to make this movement possible.

It's obvious when you think about it. If you want a Christ-centred worship event, you need a Christ-centred congregation. You can't generate it all from the front, although you can help it grow. A non-Christ-centred worship leader cannot lead people into a Christ-centred experience can they?

A question to be answered then is this: What experiences do we need in order to become the Christ-centred followers Jesus wants us to be? Is it more teaching, more discipline, more opportunities to serve? What are some of the keys that will help us all take even a small step forward in our walk with God?

And of course there is the intensely personal question: How Christ-centred is my life at this present moment? When did you last ask yourself that?

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