Friday, July 03, 2009


I'm giving serious consideration to making Haggai the subject of my final Sunday at Cotton End. I think it's because of the hope that God speaks into the situation the people face. As he stirs them to restart the building programme, he challenges them (Why does my house lie in ruins while your houses are fine and well cared for?), he tells them the true state of affairs (You've planted much but harvested little), and he promises them success (The glory of this house will be greater than the glory of the former house).

But then, almost out of the blue, God simply says, "It's been bad, but everything is changing because from this day on I will bless you." It's that simple. God is going to bless them and there's nothing else to add. They can't earn his blessing, in fact they're in a situation where they most definitely don't deserve any blessing whatsoever, but God chooses to bless them and bless them he will.

Isn't it great that we serve a God who just loves to bless. To bless without merit or without favouritism.

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