Saturday, December 27, 2008

Where are all the Christians?

I believe Bruce Logue was the guy who used to look after the Doable Evangelism blog when  I first came across it. In fact I think it was Bruce who first invited me to contribute a story to the blog. I'd been wondering what he's been doing since moving on, and today up popped a story from him. 

The story is about doing a wedding for someone he'd met while doing some radio work. You can read the whole post here, but I just wanted to draw your attention to his comment about Christendom:

What was striking to me was that most of the “christians” at the ceremony stood around in their own groups (the few that bothered to come anyway). A golden opportunity to grace others, and they huddled together. This is my critique of christendom: It is AWOL from the community at large. What’s sad is that the community at large is open-armed and happy to let us in when we behave ourselves.

-Bruce Logue

As I look forward into 2009, I hope that I will take the challenge to just walk across the room as Bill Hybels would say and make myself available in any way that God can use. A few weeks ago, while preaching,  I quoted something I remember the late John Wimber saying. It went something like this: I'm just small change in God's pocket to use how he pleases.

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