Thursday, July 03, 2008

Fixing little things

In order not to appear to selfishly self-absorbed about enjoying myself making things for me, I've also tried to do a few jobs around the house. I decorated the bathroom and added a towel rail and a few other things to finish it off. 

My second task around the house was to attack the utility room and downstairs toilet, both of which had become a little disorganised to say the least. One thing that has always annoyed me, or grated a little, is that we have these orange sacks for recycling, but where to do keep it while you are stuffing it full of plastic and paper? 

The solution, a handy frame on which you can hang the bag. I had some left-over 45mm square timber, so I made this little frame, added a couple of hooks lying around in my bits-and-bobs box and there you have it!

I guess they'll deliver the recycling bin next week! 

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