Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Information organising (2)

I have to say that after using Notebook for a week or so I think I might buy it. The way it auto-indexes everything you add, the way you can layout the pages and dividers is really useful. The overall look and functionality (clipping, outlining, writing, note-taking) of Notebook is definitely worth looking into if you're an information collector like me.

Having said last time that I didn't really get a long enough look at Together, I decided to buy the licence and give it a fuller trial. I have to say that I'm inclined to agree with Jeff when he says that it takes the edge over Yojimbo. The issue for me is whether the software takes an image of a webpage or just indexes a link to the site. The problem with Yojimbo is that it appears to do the latter. That means that if the webpage should move or get removed, the information is lost. Surfulater was great for this because it kept a copy of the webpage, and for being able to add your own files and links, building a comprehensive knowledge base for a given subject. Notebook is a good alternative for this approach.

Where Notebook lets itself down is the inability to duplicate pages easily and the occasional crash when you've been editing a clipped webpage. The latter is easily avoided by not editing the clipped page, but that's inconvenient when you want to strip out the non-vital information. Perhaps this will be fixed in version 3 which looks pretty impressive. 

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