Friday, February 29, 2008

Being Jesus to others

I'm coming to the end of Seeker Small Groups by Garry Poole, and very interesting it's been too! Anyway, I just want to share with you part of a very moving poem that is cited in the book:
Do you know
do you understand
that you represent Jesus to me?

Do you know
do you understand
that when you treat me with gentleness,
it raises the question in my mind
that maybe he is gentle, too.
Maybe he isn't someone
who laughs when I am hurt.


If you care,
I think maybe he cares-
and then there's this flame of hope
that burns inside of me
and for a while I'm afraid to breathe
because it might go out.

Do you know
do you understand
that your words are his words?
Your face, his face
to someone like me.

Please, be who you say you are.
Please, God, don't let this be another trick
Please let this be real

What moved me about this poem is the significance of relationship in the whole process of evangelism. We've reduced becoming a Christian to nothing more than giving assent to a series of philosophical-religious principles and concepts that we think our role is simply to convince someone that our position is the right position. We seek to win the argument, but in so doing we always run the risk of losing the person.

The person who wrote this poem eventually came to faith. And the reason they decided to trust Jesus, the final compelling argument that tipped the balance and convinced them?

It was nothing like that. It was simply that I met a couple of people who were like Jesus to me. That's all it took.

1 comment:

huggy said...

Very nice blog. I that love the poem, from the perspective of a person questioning Christianity, confirms our position as being ambassadors of Christ. Thanks for sharing!